December 29, 2006
Illinois, Letters

Bitter wind farm fight dividing neighbors

The fight in McLean County over the proposed wind power plant has become bitter. Neighbors feel betrayed by neighbors; families are battling each other; churches are divided; and friendships have been irrevocably lost due to this project.

The bitterness and divisiveness involved can be illustrated by the actions of one particular participating McLean County farmer.

He stood at the Woodford County Zoning Board of Appeals and during his presentation shook his finger at the assembled members of his community and said, “Shame on you if you moved out into this area thinking you were going to make a lot of money on your home.” He added, “If you are going to sell, you better sell now, because it is going to be a mess out here.”

His flagrant lack of compassion for the devastation felt by his neighbors was a sharp slap in the face.

He shook his finger at people who have spent their lives working and saving to buy their homes.

He shook his finger at his neighbors, the fellow members of his congregation, his friends and community members who have spent the last three years in the dark about the fact that he had quietly signed an agreement and accepted money from the wind energy company.

With his wallet full of tax-subsidized wind energy money, he shook his finger at his fellow taxpayers.

The shock and grief felt by nonparticipating homeowners as they are shown maps of the purposed turbine locations have been overwhelming and real.

The devastation they feel at the prospect of losing the equity in their homes, is real.

The betrayal they feel at being kept in the dark about this project, is real.

The bitterness that is generated by being shamed by someone who stands to profit from their devastation is lasting.

Denise Preller

Rural Hudson

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