December 1, 2006

Alliance joins greenhouse gas action

The federal Environmental Protection Agency’s position that it is not required to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, seen as an element of the toxic brew advancing global warming, was contested at the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday. Among the groups filing a friend-of-the-court brief in support of such regulation was the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound.

While Cape Wind proponent Jim Gordon has argued that his proposed 130 turbines in Nantucket Sound would ease global warming and its effects on coastal erosion, among other benefits, the Alliance, which was also listed in the brief in its other role as Nantucket Soundkeeper, has opposed the project.

In its entry in a list of descriptions of filers ““ which include the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies, among 10 others ““ the Alliance states that its goal “is to protect Nantucket Sound in perpetuity through conservation, environmental action, and opposition to inappropriate industrial or commercial development that would threaten or negatively alter the coastal ecosystem.”

Reports are rolling in

Technical reports on the proposed Cape Wind project are being posted on the federal Materials Management Service Web site at Once on that page, look for the “new” symbol and click through.

The reports include an oil spill probability analysis, a final underwater noise analysis, and a draft fisheries report that is (pardon us) stocked with data on that activity in the Sound.

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