November 16, 2006

Henry County board approves special use permits


The board also approved special use permits for Competitive Power Ventures (CPV)’s initial 135-turbine Spring Creek wind farm and noted the next planning committee and zoning board of appeals meetings on the firm’s second wind farm will be at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the courthouse.

At the close of the meeting when public comment was taken, two men addressed the board with concerns about decommissioning the turbines 30 years from now.

“I don’t want to be taxed for it,” Justin Harli said. “That would be completely inappropriate.”

Brian Magerkurth said he had health concerns based on an article written by a pediatrician on the East Coast regarding the flash of fan blades and currents underground. He said he didn’t want to stop the project, but sought more care in the placement of the turbines.

By Lisa Hammer of The Star Courier

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