November 15, 2005
General News

Senator won’t back forcing wind farm on public

Senator Campbell attended a public meeting yesterday in Denmark, in southern Western Australia, where opponents of the proposed wind farm near Ocean Beach voiced their displeasure at the State Government’s decision to give the project the green light.

Senator Campbell says it is widely recognised that global warming is a serious problem and wind is an important form of renewable energy.

But he says it is not right to force a wind farm on a community that does not want it.

“Everyone in the meeting was in favour of wind energy but they didn’t want it on their favourite local beach and what we need to do is find a way to incorporate wind energy into our low carbon future, but you’re not going to do that if every time you put up a turbine it’s going to destroy the coastline,” he said.

WA Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan has defended her decision to push ahead with the wind farm.

Ms MacTiernan says it demonstrates the State Government’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“It’s no good just going to international forum and pontificating about doing something about greenhouse gas emissions and when it comes to making the hard decision, not having the guts or the ability to do it,” she said.

“We looked at the merits of the arguments that were put by the community and we decided that the merit lay with the case for the wind farm.”


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