May 27, 2023

Offshore reference pages: NOAA and BOEM

National Wind WatchNational Wind Watch

NOAA Fisheries [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]

Incidental Take Authorizations [1] for Other Energy Activities (Renewable/LNG)

This page lists Incidental Take Authorizations for energy activities other than oil and gas (including renewable energy activities and LNG).

Active and Closed Unusual Mortality Events [2]

Since 1991, marine mammal unusual mortality events (UMEs) have been declared.

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

State Activities [3]

BOEM facilitates the responsible development of renewable energy resources on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf.

URL to article:

URLs in this post:

[1] Incidental Take Authorizations:

[2] Active and Closed Unusual Mortality Events:

[3] State Activities: