November 25, 2012
Australia, Health

List of symptoms and medical problems

Laurie, Sarah

Dear Senator Cameron,

As requested by you, I have provided details of the range of symptoms and health problems which have been reported to me by residents living near industrial wind turbines, which the residents and in some instances their treating doctors have told me are new since the wind development commenced operating, and which correlate with exposure to the operating wind development. I have also provided details of those conditions which the residents or their treating doctors have told me worsen with such exposure to operating wind turbines – ie the health conditions or symptoms were preexisting prior to the wind development commencing, but they consistently worsen with exposure and improve back to baseline when the resident is away from the turbines.

This pattern has been consistently reported by residents and some of their treating doctors in residents exposed to operating wind turbines, and is consistent with the existing peer reviewed published medical and acoustic research in related areas of the known adverse health impacts of low frequency noise, infrasound and vibration, including animal experiments, many of which occurred over 10 years ago. It is also consistent with existing clinical and research knowledge of vestibular disorders, neurophysiology, psychiatry, endocrinology, sleep medicine, and various other related fields of clinical medicine.

I have also attached a number of key papers and literature reviews listing relevant empirical research relating to infrasound, low frequency noise and vibration and their effect on human and animal health, or on the effects of sleep deprivation and stress on health. Most of these were available prior to July 2010, when the NHMRC Rapid Review on the subject was published, but were not included in that Rapid Review. Others have been published subsequently.

Yours sincerely

Dr Sarah Laurie,
CEO Waubra Foundation

TO: Senator Doug Cameron, Chair
Senate Inquiry into “Excessive Noise from Wind Farms Bill”

22nd November, 2012

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[1] List of symptoms and medical problems:

[2] Affidavit of Dr. F. Owen Black, M.D., neuro-otologist:

[3] Sleep duration predicts cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies:

[4] Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators:

[5] Effect of vibration frequency and amplitude on developing chicken embryos: