February 22, 2014

Industrial Wind Turbine Project Good Neighbor Agreement

Save Our Allegheny Ridges (SOAR)

A few years ago, when Iberdrola was trying to build a wind turbine project in Bedford County, Pa. the developer asked non-participating landowners to sign a “Good Neighbor Agreement.” Since wind projects may sometimes be a “bad neighbor,” developers will offer to pay adjacent landowners, so the landowner can’t sue the developer over the following problems:

NOISE – Sometimes wind turbines sound like circling jet engines that thump, thump, thump as each blade passes in front of the tower.

LOW-FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS – Inaudible vibrations make some people sick.

VISUAL CLUTTER – Wind turbines are huge and create clutter on the viewshed; what was once a peaceful, rural countryside is now dominated by rotating 140 ft. blades on towers that may reach 500 ft. when the blade is vertical

SHADOW FLICKER – Wind turbines create shadow flicker on sunny days when the sun is behind the blades, creating a strobe effect that can be very annoying.

RED LIGHT DISTRICT – Red lights on some wind turbines blink at night, per Federal Aviation Administration requirements to warn airplane pilots.

TV INTERFERENCE – Signal reception can be a problem for both TVs and cell phones.

PROPERTY DEVALUATION – Some homes lose property value and even become unsalable.

What does the non-participating landowner give up when a “Good Neighbor Agreement” is signed?

By signing a “Good Neighbor Agreement,” a legal document that is attached to the deed and forever runs with the land … yes, even when ownership changes … the landowner allows the developer:

In turn, the “Good Neighbor” gives up the right to:

Bottom Line: Consult an attorney before signing!!

www.saveouralleghenyridges.org [1], 2/13/14

Download original document: “Industrial Wind Turbine Project Good Neighbor Agreement [2]

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/documents/industrial-wind-turbine-project-good-neighbor-agreement/

URLs in this post:

[1] www.saveouralleghenyridges.org: http://www.saveouralleghenyridges.org/

[2] Industrial Wind Turbine Project Good Neighbor Agreement: https://docs.wind-watch.org/Good-Neighbor-Agreement.pdf