Vulnerability of avian populations to renewable energy production
Authors: Conkling, Tara; et al. | California, Canada, Mexico, U.S., Wildlife
Categories: California, Canada, Mexico, U.S., Wildlife
Unravelling the ecological impacts of large-scale offshore wind farms in the Mediterranean Sea
Authors: Lloret, Josep; et al. | Environment, Wildlife
Categories: Environment, Wildlife
Responses of birds and mammals to long-established wind farms in India
Authors: Kumara, Honnavalli; et al. | India, Wildlife
Categories: India, Wildlife
High vulnerability of juvenile Nathusius’ pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus nathusii) at wind turbines
Authors: Kruszynski, Cecilia; Bailey, Liam; Bach, Lothar; Bach, Petra; Fritze, Marcus; Lindecke, Oliver; Teige, Tobias; and Voigt, Christian | Germany, Wildlife
Categories: Germany, Wildlife
Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from Submarine Power Cables Can Trigger Strength-Dependent Behavioural and Physiological Responses in Edible Crab, Cancer pagurus (L.)
Authors: Scott, Kevin; Harsanyi, Petra; et al. | Wildlife
Categories: Wildlife
Responses of dispersing GPS-tagged Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) to multiple wind farms across Scotland
Categories: Scotland, Wildlife
Petition for Judicial Review, Summit Ridge Wind Farm
Authors: Friends of the Columbia Gorge; Oregon Wild; and Central Oregon Landwatch | Environment, Law, Oregon, Wildlife
Categories: Environment, Law, Oregon, Wildlife
Behavioral patterns of bats at a wind turbine confirm seasonality of fatality risk
Authors: Goldenberg, Shifra; Cryan, Paul; Gorresen, Paulo; and Fingersh, Lee | Colorado, Wildlife
Categories: Colorado, Wildlife
Relative energy production determines effect of repowering on wildlife mortality at wind energy facilities
Categories: California, Wildlife
Migrating whooping cranes avoid wind-energy infrastructure when selecting stopover habitat
Authors: Pearse, Aaron; Metzger, Kristine; Brand, David; Shaffer, Jill; Bidwell, Mark; and Harrell, Wade | Wildlife
Categories: Wildlife
Assessing the effect of wind farms in fauna with a mathematical model
Authors: Refoyo Román, Pablo; Olmedo Salinas, Cristina; and Muñoz Araújo, Benito | Wildlife
Categories: Wildlife
Bird collisions at wind turbines in a mountainous area related to bird movement intensities measured by radar
Authors: Aschwanden, Janine; et al. | Switzerland, Wildlife
Categories: Switzerland, Wildlife
Dogs Detect Larger Wind Energy Effects on Bats and Birds
Authors: Smallwood, Shawn; Bell, Douglas; and Standish, Skye | California, Wildlife
Categories: California, Wildlife
On a collision course? The large diversity of birds killed by wind turbines in South Africa
Authors: Perold, V.; Ralston-Paton, S.; and Ryan, P. | South Africa, Wildlife
Categories: South Africa, Wildlife
Mortality limits used in wind energy impact assessment underestimate impacts of wind farms on bird populations
Authors: Schippers, Peter; et al. | Netherlands, Wildlife
Categories: Netherlands, Wildlife
Wildlife and infrastructure: Impact of wind turbines on bats in the Black Sea coast region
Authors: Măntoiu, Dragos; et al. | Romania, Wildlife
Categories: Romania, Wildlife
Renewable energy development threatens many globally important biodiversity areas
Authors: Rehbein, Jose; et al. | Environment, Wildlife
Categories: Environment, Wildlife
Dixie the Dolphin
Authors: Ward, Lyndsey | Environment, Wildlife
Categories: Environment, Wildlife
Renewables, land use, and local opposition in the United States
Authors: Gross, Samantha; and Brookings Institution | Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, General, Property values, Siting, Technology, U.S., Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, General, Property values, Siting, Technology, U.S., Wildlife
Silent Menace (Part 2 of 2): Wind Turbine Infrasound – What You Can’t Hear Can Hurt You
Authors: Deever, Donald Allen | Health, Noise, Wildlife
Categories: Health, Noise, Wildlife
Avian vulnerability to wind farm collision through the year: Insights from lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus) tracked from multiple breeding colonies
Authors: Thaxter, Chris; et al. | England, Wildlife
Categories: England, Wildlife
Evidence of region-wide bat population decline from long-term monitoring and bayesian occupancy models with empirically informed priors
Authors: Rodhouse, Thomas; et al. | Oregon, Wildlife
Categories: Oregon, Wildlife
Griffon vulture mortality at wind farms in southern Spain: Distribution of fatalities and active mitigation measures
Authors: de Lucas, Manuela; et al. | Spain, Wildlife
Categories: Spain, Wildlife
Visual fields, foraging and collision vulnerability in Gyps vultures
Authors: Martin, Graham; Portugal, Steven; and Murn, Campbell | Wildlife
Categories: Wildlife
Impact of wind energy on wildife and the environment
Authors: Henderson, Peter; Krüger, Oliver; Richarz, Klaus; and Byrne, Paula | Environment, Wildlife
Categories: Environment, Wildlife
Avian mortalities from two wind farms at Kutch, Gujarat and Davangere, Karnataka, India
Authors: Selvaraj, Ramesh; et al. | India, Wildlife
Categories: India, Wildlife
Comments on proposed amended habitat mitigation plan
Authors: Smallwood, Shawn | California, Oregon, Wildlife
Categories: California, Oregon, Wildlife
Wind turbines cause functional habitat loss for migratory soaring birds
Authors: Marques, Ana Teresa; et al. | Wildlife
Categories: Wildlife
Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet
Authors: Shellenberger, Michael | Economics, Emissions, Environment, Wildlife
Categories: Economics, Emissions, Environment, Wildlife
Interference of Flying Insects and Wind Parks
Authors: Trieb, Franz | Germany, Wildlife
Categories: Germany, Wildlife
Operational offshore wind farms and associated ship traffic cause profound changes in distribution patterns of Loons (Gavia spp.)
Authors: Mendel, Bettina; et al. | Germany, Wildlife
Categories: Germany, Wildlife
Evaluating anthropogenic landscape alterations as wildlife hazards, with wind farms as an example
Authors: Law, Peter; and Fuller, Mark | Wildlife
Categories: Wildlife
Quantifying the demographic cost of human-related mortality to a raptor population
Authors: Hunt, W. Grainger; et al. | Wildlife
Categories: Wildlife
Wind farms affect the occurrence, abundance and population trends of small passerine birds: The case of the Dupont’s lark
Authors: Gómez-Catasús, Julia; Garza, Vicente; and Traba, Juan | Wildlife
Categories: Wildlife
Wind farms have cascading impacts on ecosystems across trophic levels
Authors: Thaker, Maria; Zambre, Amod; Bhosale, Harshal; et al. | India, Wildlife
Categories: India, Wildlife
Disturbance affects biotic community composition at desert wind farms
Authors: Keehn, Jade; and Feldman, Chris | Environment, Wildlife
Categories: Environment, Wildlife
Effects of development of wind energy and associated changes in land use on bird densities in upland areas
Authors: Fernández‐Bellon, Darío; et al. | Ireland, Wildlife
Categories: Ireland, Wildlife
Comment to the Iowa Utilities Board
Authors: Swanson, Janna | Economics, Environment, Health, Iowa, Wildlife
Categories: Economics, Environment, Health, Iowa, Wildlife
Migratory bats are attracted by red light but not by warm-white light: Implications for the protection of nocturnal migrants
Authors: Voigt, Christian; et al. | Wildlife
Categories: Wildlife
Sharp Hills Wind Farm: Assessment by Delta Waterfowl
Authors: Petrie, Scott; and Chouinard, Matt | North Dakota, Wildlife
Categories: North Dakota, Wildlife