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Resource Documents: Regulations (255 items)


Unless indicated otherwise, documents presented here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch. These resource documents are shared here to assist anyone wishing to research the issue of industrial wind power and the impacts of its development. The information should be evaluated by each reader to come to their own conclusions about the many areas of debate. • The copyrights reside with the sources indicated. As part of its noncommercial educational effort to present the environmental, social, scientific, and economic issues of large-scale wind power development to a global audience seeking such information, National Wind Watch endeavors to observe “fair use” as provided for in section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law and similar “fair dealing” provisions of the copyright laws of other nations.

Toward solving the global green–green dilemma between wind energy production and bat conservation 

Authors:  | Regulations, Siting, Wildlife

Categories:  Regulations, Siting, Wildlife

Pile Driving Noise Survey 

Authors:  | Massachusetts, Noise, Regulations, Wildlife

Categories:  Massachusetts, Noise, Regulations, Wildlife

Sonar Vessel Noise Survey 

Authors:  | New Jersey, Noise, Regulations, Wildlife

Categories:  New Jersey, Noise, Regulations, Wildlife

Noise pollution from wind turbines and its effects on wildlife: A cross-national analysis of current policies and planning regulations 

Authors:  | California, Germany, Israel, Regulations, Siting, Wildlife

Categories:  California, Germany, Israel, Regulations, Siting, Wildlife

Educating the Lawyers Series 

Authors:  | Australia, Health, Law, Noise, Regulations, Safety, Wildlife

Categories:  Australia, Health, Law, Noise, Regulations, Safety, Wildlife

Terms and Conditions for Environmental Assessment Approval 

Authors:  | Nova Scotia, Regulations

Categories:  Nova Scotia, Regulations

Review of noise guidance for onshore wind turbines: report for UK government 

Authors:  | Noise, Regulations, U.K.

Categories:  Noise, Regulations, U.K.

Act relating to the siting and operation of certain wind energy conversion facilities 

Authors:  | Iowa, Regulations, Siting

Categories:  Iowa, Regulations, Siting

Industrial Wind Turbine Seismic Source 

Authors:  | Noise, Ontario, Regulations

Categories:  Noise, Ontario, Regulations

Why “Ground Factor” Matters 

Authors:  | Minnesota, Noise, Regulations, Technology

Categories:  Minnesota, Noise, Regulations, Technology

South Australia Wind Farm Guidelines Consultation 

Authors:  | Australia, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Australia, Noise, Regulations

In situ measured facade sound insulation of wind turbine sound 

Authors:  | Noise, Regulations, Sweden, Technology

Categories:  Noise, Regulations, Sweden, Technology

Implementation of the issue of noise from wind turbines at low frequencies 

Authors:  | Denmark, Europe, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Noise, Regulations, Technology

Categories:  Denmark, Europe, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Noise, Regulations, Technology

Wind turbine sound limits: Current status and recommendations based on mitigating noise annoyance 

Authors:  | Australia, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Australia, Noise, Regulations

Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region 

Authors:  | Europe, Health, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Europe, Health, Noise, Regulations

50 Reasons for Opposing the Crescent Peak Wind Project 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Impacts, Nevada, Regulations

Categories:  Aesthetics, Impacts, Nevada, Regulations

Expert Witness Statement of Sarah Laurie, Waubra Foundation 

Authors:  | Health, New Zealand, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Health, New Zealand, Noise, Regulations

Wind Turbine Siting in Minnesota 

Authors:  | Minnesota, Noise, Regulations, Siting

Categories:  Minnesota, Noise, Regulations, Siting

Impact of noise on health: The divide between policy and science 

Authors:  | Health, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Health, Noise, Regulations

Guidelines for developing regulations for acoustic impact, based on the stage of operation of wind farms in Chile 

Authors:  | Chile, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Chile, Noise, Regulations

Independent Infrasonic Investigations: Golden West Wind Facility, El Paso County, CO 

Authors:  | Colorado, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Colorado, Noise, Regulations

Proposal and comments for implementing a rule regarding sound from wind generation projects 

Authors:  | Noise, Regulations, Vermont

Categories:  Noise, Regulations, Vermont

Vermont Public Service Board Sound Rule Workshop 

Authors:  | Noise, Regulations, Vermont

Categories:  Noise, Regulations, Vermont

What empirical research has established about wind farm visual impact 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Australia, Regulations

Categories:  Aesthetics, Australia, Regulations

Turbid wakes associated with offshore wind turbines observed with Landsat 8 

Authors:  | Environment, Europe, Regulations, U.K.

Categories:  Environment, Europe, Regulations, U.K.

Ecological impact assessments fail to reduce risk of bat casualties at wind farms 

Authors:  | Environment, Regulations, Wildlife

Categories:  Environment, Regulations, Wildlife

Review of the evidence on the response to amplitude modulation from wind turbines 

Authors:  | Noise, Regulations, U.K.

Categories:  Noise, Regulations, U.K.

Considerations regarding an acoustic criterion for wind turbine acceptability 

Authors:  | Canada, Noise, Ontario, Regulations

Categories:  Canada, Noise, Ontario, Regulations

Independent Noise Working Group Research and Recommendations 

Authors:  | Noise, Regulations, U.K.

Categories:  Noise, Regulations, U.K.

Bullet points for Draft Wind Farm State Code acoustics review 

Authors:  | Australia, Health, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Australia, Health, Noise, Regulations

Final Report — Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines 

Authors:  | Australia, Impacts, Regulations

Categories:  Australia, Impacts, Regulations

Sarah Laurie before the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines 

Authors:  | Australia, Health, Regulations

Categories:  Australia, Health, Regulations

Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines: Interim Report 

Authors:  | Australia, Health, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Australia, Health, Noise, Regulations

Report on the Committee’s Inquiry into Wind Energy 

Authors:  | Northern Ireland, Regulations

Categories:  Northern Ireland, Regulations

Noise, flicker, health and safety 

Authors:  | Health, Noise, Regulations, Safety

Categories:  Health, Noise, Regulations, Safety

Wind Turbine Annoyance – a clue from acoustic room modes 

Authors:  | Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Noise, Regulations

Danish guidelines on environmental low frequency noise, infrasound and vibration 

Authors:  | Denmark, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Denmark, Noise, Regulations

Public complaints about wind turbine noise and adverse health impacts justified 

Authors:  | Health, Noise, Regulations

Categories:  Health, Noise, Regulations

Wind Energy Inquiry: Mrs Ursula Walsh, University of Ulster 

Authors:  | Noise, Northern Ireland, Regulations

Categories:  Noise, Northern Ireland, Regulations

Indoor Measurements of Noise at Low Frequencies – Problems and Solutions 

Authors:  | Denmark, Noise, Regulations, Sweden

Categories:  Denmark, Noise, Regulations, Sweden

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