Quantifying the visual impact of wind farm lights on the nocturnal landscape
Authors: Bará, Salvador; and Lima Raul | Aesthetics, Environment, Portugal
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Portugal
Offshore Wind Turbine Visibility and Visual Impact Threshold Distances
Authors: Sullivan, Robert; et al. | Aesthetics, Siting, U.K., U.S.
Categories: Aesthetics, Siting, U.K., U.S.
Some Sobering Facts – Viking Energy Wind Farm
Authors: Permar, Roxane | Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland
Henvey Inlet – construction photos
Authors: Pattern Canada, Pattern Energy Group | Aesthetics, Environment, Ontario, PhotosPattern Canada, Pattern Energy Group | Aesthetics, Environment, Ontario, Photos
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Ontario, Photos
Renewables, land use, and local opposition in the United States
Authors: Gross, Samantha; and Brookings Institution | Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, General, Property values, Siting, Technology, U.S., Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, General, Property values, Siting, Technology, U.S., Wildlife
Letter from City of Rio Dell to County of Humboldt Planning Commission in opposition to wind energy project
Authors: City of Rio Dell, Calif. | Aesthetics, California, Impacts
Categories: Aesthetics, California, Impacts
Iowa Farmer
Authors: Pichan, Stave | Aesthetics, Human rights, Impacts, Iowa, Michigan, Videos
Categories: Aesthetics, Human rights, Impacts, Iowa, Michigan, Videos
Influence of wind turbine visibility on the health of local residents: a systematic review
Authors: Freiberg, Alice; et al. | Aesthetics, Health, Noise
Categories: Aesthetics, Health, Noise
Local impacts of wind farms on property values: A spatial difference-in-differences analysis
Authors: Sunak, Yasin; and Madlener, Reinhard | Aesthetics, Environment, Germany, Property values
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Germany, Property values
50 Reasons for Opposing the Crescent Peak Wind Project
Authors: Deever, Donald | Aesthetics, Impacts, Nevada, Regulations
Categories: Aesthetics, Impacts, Nevada, Regulations
Blight for Naught: Wind Turbines and the Rationalized Desecration of Nature
Authors: False Progress | Aesthetics, Environment, Impacts, Noise, Property values
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Impacts, Noise, Property values
Groton Wind, New Hampshire
Authors: Hemmel, William | Aesthetics, Environment, New Hampshire, Photos, Videos
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, New Hampshire, Photos, Videos
Wind farms and tourism in Scotland: A review with a focus on mountaineering and landscape
Authors: Gordon, David | Aesthetics, Economics, Scotland
Categories: Aesthetics, Economics, Scotland
Rural Iowans Reject Industrial Wind
Authors: Swanson, Janna | Aesthetics, Impacts, Iowa
Categories: Aesthetics, Impacts, Iowa
What empirical research has established about wind farm visual impact
Authors: Crawford, Michael | Aesthetics, Australia, Regulations
Categories: Aesthetics, Australia, Regulations
Refusal/Diúltú: North Meath Wind Farm
Authors: An Bord Pleanála | Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, Ireland, Property values
Categories: Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, Ireland, Property values
Wind Turbine Visibility and Visual Impact Threshold Distances in Western Landscapes
Authors: Sullivan, Robert; et al. | Aesthetics, Siting, U.S.
Categories: Aesthetics, Siting, U.S.
Environmental issues associated with wind energy — a review
Authors: Dai, Kaoshan; Bergot, Anthony; Liang, Chao; Xoang, Wei-Ning; and Huang, Zhenhua | Aesthetics, Environment, Noise, Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Noise, Wildlife
Overwhelming Grounds for Rejecting Requested Modification 2 for Proposed Capital II Wind Farm
Authors: Crawford, Michael | Aesthetics, Australia, Noise, Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Australia, Noise, Wildlife
Talladh-a-Bheithe Wind Farm Proposal: Review of impacts on wild land
Authors: Wildland Research Institute | Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland
Submission to the Planning Assessment Commission re Gullen Range
Authors: Brooks, David; and Parkesbourne/Mummel Landscape Guardians | Aesthetics, Australia, Impacts, Noise, Property values
Categories: Aesthetics, Australia, Impacts, Noise, Property values
Penderfyniad ar yr Apêl | Appeal Decision: Pentre Tump
Authors: Wales Planning Inspectorate | Arolygiaeth Gynllunio | Aesthetics, Tourism, Wales
Categories: Aesthetics, Tourism, Wales
Impact of visual factors on noise annoyance among people living in the vicinity of wind turbines
Authors: Pedersen, Eja; and Larsman, Pernilla | Aesthetics, Health, Noise, Sweden
Categories: Aesthetics, Health, Noise, Sweden
Case-control study of support/opposition to wind turbines: Perceptions of health risk, economic benefits, and community conflict
Authors: Baxter, Jamie; Morzaria, Rakhee; and Hirsch, Rachel | Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Ontario
Categories: Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Ontario
Shepherd’s Flat wind farm
Authors: Francis, Jamie | Aesthetics, Environment, Oregon, Photos
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Oregon, Photos
Wind Energy Conversion Systems Law
Authors: Town of Lyme (N.Y.) | Aesthetics, General, New York, Noise, Ordinances, Property values, Siting
Categories: Aesthetics, General, New York, Noise, Ordinances, Property values, Siting
Lowell Mountain, 14 July 2012
Authors: Vermonters for a Clean Environment | Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife
Tetratech/Delaney Construction photos
Authors: Tetratech Construction | Aesthetics, Alaska, Environment, Massachusetts, New Brunswick, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Photos, Wyoming
Categories: Aesthetics, Alaska, Environment, Massachusetts, New Brunswick, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Photos, Wyoming
Abgeriegelte Westküste — The Forbidden Coast
Authors: Windwahn.de | Aesthetics, Germany, Photos
Categories: Aesthetics, Germany, Photos
Wind Wise Radio – part 2
Authors: Wind Wise Radio | Aesthetics, Environment, General, Health, Human rights, Impacts, Law, Noise, Technology, Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, General, Health, Human rights, Impacts, Law, Noise, Technology, Wildlife
Protecting our mountains – manifesto on onshore wind farms
Authors: Mountaineering Council of Scotland | Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland
Ruling: renewables policy does not negate landscape protection
Authors: U.K. High Court of Justice | Aesthetics, Law, U.K.
Categories: Aesthetics, Law, U.K.
Three Windfarm Studies and an Assessment of Infrasound: Executive Summary
Authors: Tharpaland International Retreat Centre | Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Noise, Scotland
Categories: Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Noise, Scotland
Effects of Windfarms on Meditative Retreaters: A Human Impact Assessment
Authors: Tharpaland International Retreat Centre | Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Scotland
Categories: Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Scotland
Green River Wind Endangered Species Consultation
Authors: Illinois Department of Natural Resources | Aesthetics, Illinois, Regulations, Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Illinois, Regulations, Wildlife
Reality check on renewables
Authors: MacKay, David | Aesthetics, Environment, Technology, U.K., Videos
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Technology, U.K., Videos
Wind Wise Radio
Authors: Wind Wise Radio | Aesthetics, Environment, General, Health, Human rights, Impacts, Noise, Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, General, Health, Human rights, Impacts, Noise, Wildlife
Destruction of Lowell Mountain, Sat. Nov. 19, 2011
Authors: Mountain Talk | Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife
Construction in the Mojave Desert and Grassland
Authors: Basin and Range Watch | Aesthetics, California, Environment, Photos, Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, California, Environment, Photos, Wildlife
Lowell Mountain road and site building
Authors: Vt. Department of Environmental Conservation | Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife
Categories: Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife