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Resource Documents: Aesthetics (122 items)


Unless indicated otherwise, documents presented here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch. These resource documents are shared here to assist anyone wishing to research the issue of industrial wind power and the impacts of its development. The information should be evaluated by each reader to come to their own conclusions about the many areas of debate. • The copyrights reside with the sources indicated. As part of its noncommercial educational effort to present the environmental, social, scientific, and economic issues of large-scale wind power development to a global audience seeking such information, National Wind Watch endeavors to observe “fair use” as provided for in section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law and similar “fair dealing” provisions of the copyright laws of other nations.

Quantifying the visual impact of wind farm lights on the nocturnal landscape 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Portugal

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Portugal

Offshore Wind Turbine Visibility and Visual Impact Threshold Distances 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Siting, U.K., U.S.

Categories:  Aesthetics, Siting, U.K., U.S.

Some Sobering Facts – Viking Energy Wind Farm 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland

Henvey Inlet – construction photos 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Ontario, Photos | Aesthetics, Environment, Ontario, Photos

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Ontario, Photos

Renewables, land use, and local opposition in the United States 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, General, Property values, Siting, Technology, U.S., Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, General, Property values, Siting, Technology, U.S., Wildlife

Letter from City of Rio Dell to County of Humboldt Planning Commission in opposition to wind energy project 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, California, Impacts

Categories:  Aesthetics, California, Impacts

Iowa Farmer 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Human rights, Impacts, Iowa, Michigan, Videos

Categories:  Aesthetics, Human rights, Impacts, Iowa, Michigan, Videos

Influence of wind turbine visibility on the health of local residents: a systematic review 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Health, Noise

Categories:  Aesthetics, Health, Noise

Local impacts of wind farms on property values: A spatial difference-in-differences analysis 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Germany, Property values

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Germany, Property values

50 Reasons for Opposing the Crescent Peak Wind Project 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Impacts, Nevada, Regulations

Categories:  Aesthetics, Impacts, Nevada, Regulations

Blight for Naught: Wind Turbines and the Rationalized Desecration of Nature 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Impacts, Noise, Property values

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Impacts, Noise, Property values

Groton Wind, New Hampshire 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, New Hampshire, Photos, Videos

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, New Hampshire, Photos, Videos

Wind farms and tourism in Scotland: A review with a focus on mountaineering and landscape 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Economics, Scotland

Categories:  Aesthetics, Economics, Scotland

Rural Iowans Reject Industrial Wind 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Impacts, Iowa

Categories:  Aesthetics, Impacts, Iowa

What empirical research has established about wind farm visual impact 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Australia, Regulations

Categories:  Aesthetics, Australia, Regulations

Refusal/Diúltú: North Meath Wind Farm 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, Ireland, Property values

Categories:  Aesthetics, Economics, Environment, Ireland, Property values

Wind Turbine Visibility and Visual Impact Threshold Distances in Western Landscapes 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Siting, U.S.

Categories:  Aesthetics, Siting, U.S.

Environmental issues associated with wind energy — a review 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Noise, Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Noise, Wildlife

Overwhelming Grounds for Rejecting Requested Modification 2 for Proposed Capital II Wind Farm 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Australia, Noise, Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, Australia, Noise, Wildlife

Talladh-a-Bheithe Wind Farm Proposal: Review of impacts on wild land 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland

Submission to the Planning Assessment Commission re Gullen Range 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Australia, Impacts, Noise, Property values

Categories:  Aesthetics, Australia, Impacts, Noise, Property values

Penderfyniad ar yr Apêl | Appeal Decision: Pentre Tump 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Tourism, Wales

Categories:  Aesthetics, Tourism, Wales

Impact of visual factors on noise annoyance among people living in the vicinity of wind turbines 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Health, Noise, Sweden

Categories:  Aesthetics, Health, Noise, Sweden

Case-control study of support/opposition to wind turbines: Perceptions of health risk, economic benefits, and community conflict 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Ontario

Categories:  Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Ontario

Shepherd’s Flat wind farm 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Oregon, Photos

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Oregon, Photos

Wind Energy Conversion Systems Law 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, General, New York, Noise, Ordinances, Property values, Siting

Categories:  Aesthetics, General, New York, Noise, Ordinances, Property values, Siting

Lowell Mountain, 14 July 2012 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife

Tetratech/Delaney Construction photos 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Alaska, Environment, Massachusetts, New Brunswick, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Photos, Wyoming

Categories:  Aesthetics, Alaska, Environment, Massachusetts, New Brunswick, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Photos, Wyoming

Abgeriegelte Westküste — The Forbidden Coast 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Germany, Photos

Categories:  Aesthetics, Germany, Photos

Wind Wise Radio – part 2 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, General, Health, Human rights, Impacts, Law, Noise, Technology, Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, General, Health, Human rights, Impacts, Law, Noise, Technology, Wildlife

Protecting our mountains – manifesto on onshore wind farms 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Scotland

Ruling: renewables policy does not negate landscape protection 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Law, U.K.

Categories:  Aesthetics, Law, U.K.

Three Windfarm Studies and an Assessment of Infrasound: Executive Summary 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Noise, Scotland

Categories:  Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Noise, Scotland

Effects of Windfarms on Meditative Retreaters: A Human Impact Assessment 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Scotland

Categories:  Aesthetics, Health, Human rights, Scotland

Green River Wind Endangered Species Consultation 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Illinois, Regulations, Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, Illinois, Regulations, Wildlife

Reality check on renewables 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Technology, U.K., Videos

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Technology, U.K., Videos

Wind Wise Radio 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, General, Health, Human rights, Impacts, Noise, Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, General, Health, Human rights, Impacts, Noise, Wildlife

Destruction of Lowell Mountain, Sat. Nov. 19, 2011 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife

Construction in the Mojave Desert and Grassland 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, California, Environment, Photos, Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, California, Environment, Photos, Wildlife

Lowell Mountain road and site building 

Authors:  | Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife

Categories:  Aesthetics, Environment, Photos, Vermont, Wildlife

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