Resource Documents by Webb, Rick
Webb, Rick; Conservation Law Center; Animal Welfare Institute; and American Bird Conservancy
Comments on the Draft EIS and HCP for the Beech Ridge Energy Wind Facility
Rick Webb: These comments concern the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and the Draft Habitat Conservation Plan (DHCP) for the Beech Ridge Wind Energy Project (BRE) in Greenbrier and Nicholas Counties, West Virginia. I am submitting these comments due to concern about the environmental impacts of utility-scale wind energy development in the central Appalachian mountain region. Because of flaws and insufficiencies in the information and analysis provided in both the DHCP and the DEIS, I recommend that the U.S. Fish . . . Complete article »
Webb, Rick
Comments and Questions on Proposed Wind Energy Permit by Rule
Date: October 5, 2010 To: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Re: Follow-up Comments and Questions on Proposed Regulation; 9VAC15-40. Small Renewable Energy Projects (Wind) Permit by Rule (adding 9VAC15-40-10 through 9VAC15-40-140) This submission includes follow-up comments, questions, and requests for information concerning the regulations proposed by Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to implement the Permit by Rule (PBR) legislation for wind energy projects. These follow-up comments, questions, and information requests focus on the DEQ’s responses to specific questions posed . . . Complete article »
Webb, Rick
Comments on NEPA review for Beech Ridge wind energy project
Ms. Laura Hill, Assistant Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, West Virginia Field Office September 21, 2010 RE: Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for Issuance of an Incidental Take Permit and Associated Habitat Conservation Plan for the Invenergy Beech Ridge Wind Energy Project, Greenbrier and Nicholas Counties, WV Dear Ms. Hill: I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the content of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review related to the Invenergy Beech Ridge Wind Energy Project. The U.S. . . . Complete article »
Boone, Dan; and Webb, Rick
Understanding the Trade-Off: Environmental Costs and Benefits of Industrial Wind Energy Development
Low benefit, high environmental cost … Special Session on Bats and Wind Turbines, 38th North American Symposium on Bat Research, Scranton, Pa., October 24, 2008 Download original document: “Environmental Costs and Benefits of Industrial Wind Energy Development” Complete article »
Boone, Dan; and Webb, Rick
Displacing Mountaintop Removal Mining with Wind Turbines
We thank Mr. Hathaway for providing his analysis, and we certainly share his concern about the destruction associated with mountaintop removal mining. However, we find that his analysis doesn’t stand-up to close examination. Our first objection concerns Mr. Hathaway’s basic premise that wind-powered generation will reduce the need for coal-fueled generation. The recent National Academies report on Environmental Impacts of Wind-Energy Projects compared U.S. Department of Energy projections for growth in electricity demand with projections for growth in wind generation. . . . Complete article »
Webb, Rick
Environmental Impacts of Wind-Energy Projects
Key points concerning the benefits and risk based on information in the National Academies report (released May 3), from one of its committee members. Note the ranges of 2.5-11.5 birds and 15-28 bats killed annually per installed megawatt. For birds, that rate exceeds that in the notorious Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (where it is estimated that 3-8 birds per installed megawatt are killed, 1.5-2 of them raptors). They are based on observations at existing sites in the Appalachian Mountains . . . Complete article »
Webb, Rick
Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Wind Energy Development in the Mountains of Virginia
Presentation given by Rick Webb of the Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, on October 17, 2006, at the Energy Virginia conference. Download original document: “Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Wind Energy Development in the Mountains of Virginia” Complete article »
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