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Resource Documents by Persinger, Michael

Persinger, Michael
Infrasound, human health, and adaptation: an integrative overview of recondite hazards in a complex environment 
Abstract: Infrasound displays a special capacity to affect human health and adaptation because its frequencies and amplitudes converge with those generated by the human body. Muscle sounds and whole-body vibrations are predominately within the 5- to 40-Hz range. The typical amplitudes of the oscillations are within 1–50 μm, which is equivalent to the pressures of about 1 Pa and energies in the order of 10−11 W m−2. Infrasound sources from the natural environment originate from winds, microbaroms, geomagnetic activity, and microseisms and can . . . Complete article »

Persinger, Michael
Direct and indirect effects of low-frequency sound from wind turbines 
There are both theoretical and empirical bases to your concerns about the direct and indirect effects of extremely low frequency and low frequency mechanically-induced changes in air pressure. I offer the following facts and comments for your information. 1. As noted in the chapter “Mechanical stimuli of the weather matrix: barometric pressure, wind and infrasound” in my book Weather Matrix and Human Behavior (Prager, 1980, pp.182-206) there have been clear correlations between infrasound generation and adverse experiences, including sickness, nausea, . . . Complete article »

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