Resource Documents by May, Murray
May, Murray
Deconstructing wind farms
A response to “Wind farms – to be or not to be”, Nature and Society Feb-March 2013, pp. 6-7 When I joined the public service in Canberra in 1973 as a Graduate Clerk, I was fortunate to work first with the National Estate Committee of Inquiry, a pioneering environmental inquiry of the Whitlam government that set the scene for later significant environmental policy. Not a boring public service department, but straight into the deep end with the likes of Judith . . . Complete article »
May, Murray
Wind power controversy
Wind power often appears in environmental images as one of the iconic clean sources of electricity that will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, as for example, in the Federal government’s advertising program on the carbon tax. In Lester Brown’s 2011 book World on the Edge, he tracks the rapid development of wind power on a global scale as part of the shift to renewable electricity generation. Between 2000 and 2010 according to the Global Wind Energy Council, world wind . . . Complete article »
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