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Resource Documents by Lang, Peter

Lang, Peter
Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines: Peter Lang 
Wind’s effectiveness and CO2 avoidance cost This submission focuses on the effectiveness of wind turbines at reducing CO2 emissions from electricity generation in Australia and the impact of the effectiveness on the estimates of abatement cost ($/tonne CO2 avoided) by wind energy. It is often assumed that effectiveness of wind energy is 100%, i.e., 1 MWh of wind energy displaces the emissions from 1 MWh of the conventional energy displaced. But it is usually much less, and values as low as 53% . . . Complete article »

Lang, Peter
Emission cuts realities for electricity generation – costs and CO2 emissions for different electricity generation options for Australia to 2050 
Abstract Five options for cutting CO2 emissions from electricity generation in Australia are compared with a ‘Business as Usual’ option over the period 2010 to 2050. The six options comprise combinations of coal, gas, nuclear, wind and solar thermal technologies. The conclusions: The nuclear option reduces CO2 emissions the most, is the only option that can be built quickly enough to make the deep emissions cuts required, and is the least cost of the options that can cut emissions sustainably. . . . Complete article »

Lang, Peter
Cost and Quantity of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Avoided by Wind Generation 
Wind power is intermittent, so either energy storage or constantly, instantly available back-up generation is required to provide constant power. This paper contains a simple analysis of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions avoided by wind power and the cost per tonne of emissions avoided. It puts these figures in context by comparing them with some other ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation. The conclusion: wind farms connected to the National Grid provide low value energy at . . . Complete article »

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