Resource Documents by Horn, Jason
Horn, Jason; Arnett, Edward; and Kunz, Thomas
Infrared Video Clips of Bats Interacting with Wind Turbines
Bats Interacting with Wind Turbines from: Horn et al. 2008 Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1 123-132 The video clips on this site are presented to support a study that appears in the Journal of Wildlife Management. This study deals with the recent finding that forest-dwelling bats are often found dead beneath operating wind turbines at wind energy facilities. We used thermal infrared video cameras to record the flight behavior of bats at night near these turbines in an attempt to understand . . . Complete article »
Horn, Jason; Arnett, Edward; and Kunz, Thomas
Behavioral Responses of Bats to Operating Wind Turbines
ABSTRACT Wind power is one of the fastest growing sectors of the energy industry. Recent studies have reported large numbers of migratory tree-roosting bats being killed at utility-scale wind power facilities, especially in the eastern United States. We used thermal infrared (TIR) cameras to assess the flight behavior of bats at wind turbines because this technology makes it possible to observe the nocturnal behavior of bats and birds independently of supplemental light sources. We conducted this study at the Mountaineer . . . Complete article »
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