Resource Documents by Hessler, George
Schomer, Paul; and Hessler, George
Review of the Cape Bridgewater acoustic testing program and where it is leading
Recently [Steve Cooper, The Acoustic Group,] has completed a first of its kind test regarding the acoustical emissions of wind turbines. His is the first study of effects on people that includes a cooperating windfarm operator in conjunction with a researcher that does not work exclusively for windfarms. This study makes three very simple points: There is at least one non-visual, non-audible pathway for wind turbine emissions to reach, enter, and affect some people This is a longitudinal study wherein . . . Complete article »
Walker, Bruce; Hessler, George; Hessler, David; Rand, Robert; and Schomer, Paul
Cooperative Measurement Survey and Analysis of Low-Frequency and Infrasound at the Shirley Wind Farm
From comments by acoustician Rick James: Three families in the footprint of the Shirley Wind project (owned by Duke Energy) have reported adverse health effects since the wind turbine utility commenced operation. Two have been forced out of their homes. They report experiencing symptoms of the type associated with wind turbine syndrome. These families offered to act as interveners in another Wisconsin case, Highland Wind, which is in the application hearing phase. Fifty affidavits were filed by them and other . . . Complete article »
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