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Resource Documents by Hartman, Raymond

Hartman, Raymond
Adverse Health Impacts of Industrial Wind Turbines: A Scientific Response to “It’s all in your head” 
In this paper, I review two recently completed research papers that purport to provide scientific evidence regarding the adverse health effects of Industrial Wind Turbines (IWTs). Having done so, I find that they provide no scientific information. Rather, they present disinformation which may be used to improperly shape public policy. … [S. Chapman, A. St George, K. Waller and V. Cakic, “Spatio-temporal differences in the history of health and noise complaints about Australian wind farms: evidence for the psychogenic, ‘communicated disease’ . . . Complete article »

Hartman, Raymond
Critique of Mass. DEP Wind Turbine Health Impact Study 
Presented to the Zoning Board of Charlestown, Rhode Island, June 5, 2013, and to the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health, July 9, 2013 — MAJOR FLAWS OF THE HEALTH IMPACT STUDY The Panel who authored the Study was not independent. The Panel who authored the Study is no more expert than the many scientists whose research the Panel peremptorily dismissed. The research design of the Panel is fatally flawed. The Panel failed to implement the appropriate statistical methods to . . . Complete article »

Hanning, Chris; Alves-Pereira, Mariana; Shepherd, Daniel; Hartman, Raymond; and Green, Lilli-Ann
Comments on Mass. Wind Turbine Health Impact Study 
Chris Hanning [download] An objective review of the evidence, using the brief provided, would have noted: 1. The large numbers of anecdotal reports and simple surveys which together provide good evidence that wind turbine noise harms health at distances currently permitted in most jurisdictions. 2. The published evidence of research examining the effects on wind turbine noise on annoyance, sleep and health. All five main studies show objective evidence of adverse effects at distances currently permitted in most jurisdictions as . . . Complete article »

Hartman, Raymond
Wind Turbine Health Impact Study Is Junk Science 
[Wind Turbine Health Impact Study: Report of Independent Expert Panel, January 2012, prepared for: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Massachusetts Department of Public Health] Junk Science: What Is It? “Junk science is faulty scientific data and analysis used to advance special interests and hidden agendas.” General Examples “Government regulators may use junk science to expand their regulatory authority, increase their budgets or advance the political agenda of elected officials.” “Businesses may use junk science to bad-mouth competitors’ products, make bogus . . . Complete article »

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