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Resource Documents by Gulden, Wayne

Gulden, Wayne
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation 2012 study of wind turbine impacts on residential property assessments 
Last week [April 2014] the Ontario Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) released the 2012 version of their continuing study (following one in 2008) of wind turbines and property values in Ontario, entitled Impact of Industrial Wind Turbines on Residential Property Assessment In Ontario. To sum it up, they still find no evidence that wind turbines cause property value declines. The study consists of a 31-page main section [backup link] along with 12 appendices. MPAC seems to have their own language . . . Complete article »

Gulden, Wayne
Hoen, again: statistics versus reality 
Ben Hoen has just published his latest property value study. It was issued under the auspices of Berkeley Labs, sponsored by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Wind and Water Power Technologies Office) of the U.S. Department of Energy. This study contains 51,276 sales, more than any previous study, spread over 9 states, 27 counties and 67 different wind projects. The study goes for 38 pages, concluding: “Across all model specifications, we find no statistical evidence that home . . . Complete article »

Gulden, Wayne
Chapman’s Nocebo Study 
Simon Chapman, a public-health professor in Australia, has long maintained that the health and annoyance issues from wind turbines that people complain about are the result of nocebo. Recently he published a study that purports to conclusively demonstrate that those health complaints are not caused by the wind turbines; rather they are caused by anti-wind activists (presumably like me) instilling these ideas into people by our writings. In an effort to give his study the fairest shake I could, I . . . Complete article »

Gulden, Wayne
Mars Hill and Degrading Performance 
About 6 months ago John Harrison started calculating how the performance of wind turbines degrades over time. He noted that as projects are in place over a number of years that their Capacity Factor (the percentage of their nameplate capacity that they actually generate) annually decreased somewhere in the 1-2% range. For example, a project that operated at a CF of 30% initially could be expected to be operating in the 15% CF range after 10 years of a 1.5% . . . Complete article »

Gulden, Wayne
McPherson Study: The Infrasound Smoking Gun 
Abstract McPherson is the first (and so far only) study to specifically look for the presence of excessive infrasound due to nearby wind turbines in a home that was identified by the owners as having a problem.* Two professional acousticians, Robert Rand and Steven Ambrose, lived in the home for 3 days during which they took detailed measurements of the infrasound and noted its effects upon themselves. They discovered that the infrasound often crossed the threshold of detection by the . . . Complete article »

Gulden, Wayne
Critique of The Real Truth About Wind Energy 
The Sierra Club of Canada (SC) has long been a vocal opponent of nuclear and fossil fuel electricity generation … and were an early and fervent supporter of Ontario’s Green Energy Act, which set up the framework to install and pay for large amounts of renewable energy. As the Ontario government has placed some of the resulting wind projects in Important Bird Areas, executive director John Bennett has come under increasing criticism for his apparent indifference to the inevitable deaths . . . Complete article »

Gulden, Wayne
Examination of ‘The Health Impact of Wind Turbines’, Published by Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit, June 2008 
In June 2008 Dr. David Colby, in response to a request from the Chatham-Kent Council, produced a paper that purported to be a review of the literature regarding various health issues relating to wind turbines. From its introduction: “This report will enable the Chatham-Kent Board of Health to make an evidence-based decision regarding the known health impacts of wind turbines from the current literature …” As his report indicates, Dr. Colby is not himself a wind turbine health expert and thus . . . Complete article »

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