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Resource Documents by Doolan, Con

Zajamšek, Branko; Hansen, Kristy; Doolan, Con; and Hansen, Colin
Characterisation of wind farm infrasound and low-frequency noise 
This paper seeks to characterise infrasound and low-frequency noise (ILFN) from a wind farm, which contains distinct tonal components with distinguishable blade-pass frequency and higher harmonics. Acoustic measurements were conducted at dwellings in the vicinity of the wind farm and meteorological measurements were taken at the wind farm location and dwellings. Wind farm ILFN was measured frequently under stable and very stable atmospheric conditions and was also found to be dependent on the time of year. For noise character assessment, . . . Complete article »

Zajamšek, Branko; Moreau, Danielle; Doolan, Con; and Hansen, Kristy
Indoor Infrasound and low-frequency noise monitoring in a rural environment 
This paper presents the results of recent indoor noise monitoring test that was conducted in a room of a home near a wind farm whose resident claims to be annoyed by wind farm noise. The testing uses low-frequency microphones that can resolve noise below 0.5 Hz. The aim of the study is to examine the relationship(s) between the sound pressure level, weather conditions, resident rated annoyance to sound and wind farm output power data. The study concentrates on sound in . . . Complete article »

Nobbs, Benjamin; Doolan, Con; and Moreau, Danielle
Characterisation of noise in homes affected by wind turbine noise 
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION This paper has described a new methodology for recording noise and annoyance within residents’ homes affected by wind turbine noise. The technique records time-series recordings that allows complete analysis of the signal using a variety of post processing techniques. While being used to characterise wind turbine noise in this study, the system can be used to record noise and annoyance in residents’ homes affected by other forms of environmental noise. Measurements taken in a single resident’s home . . . Complete article »

Hansen, Kristy; Henrys, Nicholas; Hansen, Colin; Doolan, Con; and Moreau, Danielle
Wind farm noise – what is a reasonable limit in rural areas? 
CONCLUSIONS This paper has highlighted that the wind farm noise limits stated in the EPA guidelines (2009) do not ensure adequate protection of the amenity of rural communities. In addition, the concept of zoning has been challenged and background noise levels measured at each residence are proposed as a more suitable method for indicating acceptable noise limits at a given location. A dose response study specific to South Australian rural areas is considered pertinent to provide further guidance for selection . . . Complete article »

Doolan, Con
Wind turbine noise mechanisms and some concepts for its control 
ABSTRACT: The aerodynamic noise production mechanisms of modern horizontal axis wind turbines are reviewed. An engineering analysis of the time and frequency scales from three noise sources, leading edge turbulence interaction noise, trailing edge noise and blade-tower interaction noise is presented. The analysis shows that noise sources are present from low-frequencies (1-4 Hz) to over 500 Hz for a representative wind turbine. The results of the analysis are used to explain amplitude modulation observed during noise measurements at a European . . . Complete article »

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