Resource Documents by Davis, Julian
Davis, Julian; and Davis, Jane
Evidence for submission to the Select Committee on Economic Affairs, House of Lords
1.0 Why we are qualified to respond to this call for evidence 1.1 We are Jane and Julian Davis, we farm (on a county council smallholding) in Spalding, South Lincolnshire. Julian has always farmed, in the place that is our home, and is also an agronomist. Jane is a Nurse, Midwife and Health Visitor (retired) and has been involved with mainly rural communities since 1980. 1.2 Our house, which we own, on our tenanted arable farm, is 930m from a . . . Complete article »
Davis, Jane; and Davis, Julian
Claim of noise nuisance by Jane and Julian Davis against Fenland Windfarms et al.
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE QUEEN’S BENCH DIVISION BETWEEN: (1) MRS SARAH JANE DAVIS; (2) MR JULIAN TREVOR DAVIS; Claimants – and – (1) RICHARD TINSLEY; (2) NICHOLAS WATTS; (3) FENLAND WINDFARMS LTD; (4) EDF ENERGY PLC; (5) FENLAND GREEN POWER CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED; Defendants The First and Second Defendants are the freehold owners of land known as Worth’s Farm and Vine House Farm respectively in the village of Deeping St Nicholas, on which are operated 8 REpower MM 82 . . . Complete article »
Davis, Julian; and Davis, Jane
Noise pollution from wind turbines
Presented at Second International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise, September 20-21, 2007, Lyon, France. Living with amplitude modulation, lower frequency emissions and sleep deprivation. Abstract: Although wind energy has a role to play in the renewable energy sector, when wind turbines are sited too close to people’s homes, the noise pollution has dire consequences on those who live nearby. The authors, who live within 930 metres of the nearest wind turbine of a wind farm, document their personal experiences that . . . Complete article »
Davis, Jane; Davis, Julian; Arp, Jyette; and Nilsson, Lotta
Government disregard for wind turbine noise and health problems
A Christmas update from the Davises of Deeping St Nicholas about the wind turbine noise that drove them from their home, followed by a 1994 letter from Denmark and a 2001 letter from Sweden (thanks to Angela Kelly of Country Guardian in the U.K.) showing that nothing has changed. Noise, and flicker, remains a serious problem (how could a 90-meter-across propeller with a blade assembly weighing 40 tons be otherwise), and it is still officially ignored. From Deeping St Nicholas, . . . Complete article »
Davis, Julian; and Davis, Jane
Problems with noise and low frequency vibration from Deeping St Nicholas Windfarm
This letter was presented in evidence at the Fullabrook Public Inquiry. It was not challenged in cross examination. This couple’s ordeal is written about in the Jan. 12, 2007 Farmers Weekly. Download original document: “Problems with noise and low frequency vibration from Deeping St Nicholas Windfarm” Complete article »
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