Resource Documents by Daulton, Michael
Mollohan, Alan; Arnett, Edward; Fry, Michael; Glitzenstein, Eric; and Daulton, Michael
Gone with the Wind: Impacts of Wind Turbines on Birds and Bats
Oversight Hearing, May 1, 2007, Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans, Committee on Natural Resources: “Gone with the Wind: Impacts of Wind Turbines on Birds and Bats” Download testimony: Alan B. Mollohan, Member of Congress Edward B. Arnett, Conservation Scientist, Bat Conservation International Michael Fry, Director, Birds and Pesticides, American Bird Conservancy Eric R. Glitzenstein, Partner, Meyer Glitzenstein and Crystal Michael Daulton, Director of Conservation Policy, National Audubon Society Complete article »
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