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Resource Documents by Bouma, Jelte

Pedersen, Eja; van den Berg, Frits; Bakker, Roel; and Bouma, Jelte
Can road traffic mask sound from wind turbines? Response to wind turbine sound at different levels of road traffic sound 
Abstract: Wind turbines are favoured in the switch-over to renewable energy. Suitable sites for further developments could be difficult to find as the sound emitted from the rotor blades calls for a sufficient distance to residents to avoid negative effects. The aim of this study was to explore if road traffic sound could mask wind turbine sound or, in contrast, increases annoyance due to wind turbine noise. Annoyance of road traffic and wind turbine noise was measured in the WINDFARMperception . . . Complete article »

Pedersen, Eja; van den Berg, Frits; Bakker, Roel; and Bouma, Jelte
Response to noise from modern wind farms in The Netherlands 
Abstract: The increasing number and size of wind farms call for more data on human response to wind turbine noise, so that a generalized dose-response relationship can be modeled and possible adverse health effects avoided. This paper reports the results of a 2007 field study in The Netherlands with 725 respondents. A dose-response relationship between calculated A-weighted sound pressure levels, and reported perception and annoyance was found. Wind turbine noise was more annoying than transportation noise or industrial noise at . . . Complete article »

Pedersen, Eja; Bouma, Jelte; Bakker, Roel; and van den Berg, Frits
Response to wind turbine noise in the Netherlands 
Abstract: A cross-sectional study with the objective to explore the impact of wind turbine noise on people living in the vicinity of wind farms was carried out in the Netherlands in 2007. A postal questionnaire assessing response to environmental exposures in the living area, including wind turbine noise, was answered by 725 respondents (response rate: 37%). Immission levels of wind turbine noise outside the dwelling of each respondent were calculated in accordance with ISO-9613. The risk for being annoyed by . . . Complete article »

van den Berg, Frits; Pedersen, Eja; Bakker, Roel; and Bouma, Jelte
Wind farm aural and visual impact in the Netherlands 
Abstract: The WINDFARMperception project, carried out in 2007/08 in the Netherlands, aimed to explore the impact of wind turbines on people living close to wind farms. The study group was selected in three types of area (countryside, countryside with major road, built up area) by means of a Geographic Information System (GIS). Each selected address was sithin 2.5 km of a wind turbine of at least 500 kW electric power and a similar turbine within 500 m of the first. . . . Complete article »

van den Berg, Frits; Pedersen, Eja; Bouma, Jelte; and Bakker, Roel
Visual and acoustic impact of wind turbine farms on residents 
Wind turbines more annoying than expected The WINDFARMperception project shows that the sound of wind turbines causes relatively much annoyance. The sound is perceived at relatively low levels and is thought to be more annoying than equally loud air or road traffic. This may be caused by the swishing character of the sound or because at night it does not decrease in strength – which is usually the case for traffic noise. Also in this study more disturbance of sleep occurs . . . Complete article »

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