Resource Documents by Bembinster, Jim
Bembinster, Jim
Field fragmentation
Wisconsin farmers sign on with wind developers because it seems like easy money. They are told they can farm right up to the turbine foundations. They are told about a quarter acre of land will be taken out of production for each turbine. What they are not told is there will be access roads and trenching for each turbine that will go where the developer wants them to go, crossing at diagonals in the middle of fields, and in some . . . Complete article »
Bembinster, Jim; and Bembinster, Cathy
Industrial Wind Turbine Shadow Flicker, Malone, Wisc., 2008
Shadow flicker filmed by Jim and Cathy Bembinster, members of the Town of Union (Wisconsin) Large Wind Turbine Study Committee. Download original document as an MP4 file. See more videos on You Tube. Complete article »
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