Resource Documents by Baxter, Jamie
Walker, Chad; Baxter, Jamie; Mason, Isaac; Luginaah, Isaac; and Ouellette, Danielle
Wind energy development and perceived real estate values in Ontario, Canada
Abstract: This paper focuses on public concerns about real estate value loss in communities in the vicinity of wind turbines. There are some conflicting results in recent academic and non-academic literature on the issue of property values in general – yet little has been studied about how residents near turbines view the value of their own properties. Using both face-to-face interviews (n = 26) and community survey results (n = 152) from two adjacent communities, this exploratory mixed-method study contextualizes perceived property value loss. Interview . . . Complete article »
Baxter, Jamie; Morzaria, Rakhee; and Hirsch, Rachel
Case-control study of support/opposition to wind turbines: Perceptions of health risk, economic benefits, and community conflict
Abstract. Despite considerable quantitative case study research on communities living with turbines, few have studied the roles played by the perceptions of health risk, economic benefits/fairness, and intra-community conflict. We report the findings from a case-control survey that compares residents living with/without turbines in their community to understand the relative importance of these variables as predictors of turbine support. Ontario is the context for this study as it is a place where the pace of turbine installations is both very . . . Complete article »
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