Wind Watch is a registered educational charity, founded in 2005. |
These postings are provided to help publicize and provide examples of the efforts of affiliated groups and individuals related to industrial wind energy development. Most of the notices posted here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch.
Environment, Products •
Source: Long Beach and South Shore Residents Opposed to Turbines
Save Our Seas – artwork by Marion Chapman
Yellow Vests
Advertisements, Campaigns, Environment, Health, Noise, Ohio, Property values, Wildlife •
Source: Crawford Anti-Wind
Crawford Anti-Wind campaign spots
Les Pentes [The Hills]
Septembre 2050. À Paris, une jeune fille ose encore écrire des lettres avec de l’encre et des feuilles. Sans trop éveiller les soupçons, elle a pu constituer un stock de papier. Un discret réseau se charge de transporter les missives à travers les plaines, là où les usines électriques ont remplacé les forêts. Pourquoi et à qui écrit-elle, puisqu’il n’y a plus âme qui vive en dehors des villes ? Un employé du gouvernement s’en étonne. Il décide de mener l’enquête et fait alors une découverte étonnante.
Sur les Pentes, bien au-delà des usines électriques, aux confins des décharges et des champs de maïs, se cache un secret qui pourrait bien sauver les habitants des villes.
Entre espoir et désespoir, alors que l’avenir semble si sombre, la joie de vivre va peu à peu se frayer un passage.
Le Prix du Vent [The Price of Wind]
Maxime Poisot, Sioux Berger, Baptiste Chouet
L’intérêt général ne peut s’affranchir de l’intérêt des particuliers au seul nom du progrès.
[The general interest cannot ignore individual interests in the name of progress.]
Sioux Berger est auteur et journaliste spécialisée dans les sujets d’écologie et de bien-être. Originaire d’Auvergne et vivant en région parisienne, elle a été confrontée à l’installation d’éoliennes dans le village familial et a dans ce contexte entamé un travail d’enquête et de mobilisation citoyenne. Elle a publié le roman Les Pentes sur le même thème.
De la scène à l’édition en passant par la communication, Maxime Poisot est un auteur à la croisée des écritures contemporaines.
Baptiste Chouët, illustrateur installé à Nantes, publie sur des sujets de citoyenneté et de politique dans Ouest France.
Tenth International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise
June 21-23, 2023
Trinity Business School, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
This is our tenth Wind Turbine Noise conference and we are back live on site again. This time in Dublin for three days on 21st to 23rd June 2023. Update: Registration is now open for the conference.
We have a great venue on the historic campus at Trinity College Dublin right in the very heart of Dublin City. It is a few minutes’ walk from Temple Bar, Grafton Street, O’Connell Street and most of the major attractions of the city.
There is a remote delegate option for those who really cannot join us. Remote delegates will be able to submit a paper and present by sending us a recorded presentation: just submit an abstract in the normal way and tick the box to say you will be remote. The conference will be streamed live in audio and video and you will be able to ask questions via a text link.
You can submit an abstract any time between now until February. See the website for themes and ideas and important dates. Update: Click here for the full program (pdf).
We have put all the previous nine sets of conference proceedings on the website and available for download. You will still have to pay for the last three, but the entire proceedings for the first six are now free to download. Note that you need to go to “Get access to conference proceedings” first to fill in your details.
Feicfidh muid i mBaile Átha Cliath sibh. See you in Dublin.
Post-conference report
Impacts, Ohio, Publications •
Source: Crawford Anti-Wind/Crawford Neighbors United PAC
Hard Facts – 653.5 ft Industrial Scale Turbine
(as proposed for Crawford County, OH)
- 71 tons of rebar
- 29 tons of bolt cage
- 772 cubic yards of concrete
- Extremely hard rock, no pilings used
- 72.5 ft. across
- 11 ft. deep
- Transported in 7 sections
- 426.5 ft. tall
- Weighs 188,600 lbs.
- 17 ft. in diameter
- 221 ft. each
- 49,000 lbs. each
- Blade tip height is 653.5 ft. tall (199.2 meters)
- Rotor diameter is 446.2 ft (136 meters).
- 100+ truckloads for crane parts
- 80 truckloads of concrete
- 29 truckloads of turbine components
- Tallest turbine onshore in the U.S.
- There is only one this size
- It is part of the test facility at West Texas A&M Univ.
- When constructed, it was the first of its size outside of China.
- No residential homes in sight for many miles.
- First full scale industrial facility in U.S. to construct this size of turbine.
- NOT ONE turbine, but 144 turbines in just Phase 1 of project!
- No decrease in Ohio’s low setback number of 1,125 ft. (plus one horizontal blade) with super-sized turbines
- With high population density for rural area, no opportunity to isolate turbines
- Heavy damage to roadways, due to weight and number of truckloads passing through
- Years of road construction, traffic delays, and complete shutdowns due to constant repairs
- Well water issues (poisoned or dry wells)