Ninth International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise: accepted abstracts
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May 18-21, 2021
e-Conference from Europe:
Ninth International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise
Accepted abstracts
(Presentations will be either oral, poster or part of a workshop session.)
A review of different methodologies to measurement of Sound Pressure Level from Wind Farms
Payam Ashtiani
Efficient management of acoustic studies of large wind farm projects
Miguel Ausejo Prieto, Laura Simón Otegui, Rubén García Morales
A model to calculate the delta between internal noise with open windows vs external noise
Andrea Bartolazzi, Cecilia Pompili
A tower wake model for low-frequency noise of downwind turbine rotors
Franck Bertagnolio
Wind sector management using Beilis Tappert parabolic equation
Karl Bolin
Validation efforts of an open-source aeroacoustics model for wind turbines
Pietro Bortolotti, Yi Guo, Eric Simley, Nicholas Hamilton, Patrick Moriarty, Carlo Sucameli, Franck Bertagnolio
Development of IEC/TS 61400-11-2: Measurement of wind turbine noise characteristics in receptor position
Sylvia Broneske, Bo Søndergaard
The (psychoacoustic) basics of tonality perception
Markus Buße, Robin Woodward, Sylvia Broneske
Comparison between modelled and measured noise impact with varying ground factors
Kohl Clark, Payam Ashtiani
Prediction of wind turbines infrasound from meteorological parameters
Sarah D’Amico, Timothy Van Renterghem, Dick Botteldooren
Meteorological effects on wind turbine noise at the receptor location
Pierre Dutilleux
Different sound source setups in the simulation of wind turbine sound propagation
Katharina Elsen, Arthur Schady
Robust noise indicators using Gaussian Processes
Arthur Finez, Favrot N., Petit A., Le Bourdat C., Antoni J.
Estimation of the sound emergence of wind turbines by semi-supervised learning technique
Jean-Rémy Gloaguen, David Ecotière, Benoit Gauvreau, Arthur Finez, Arthur Petit, Colin Lebourdat
A study of the relationship between wind direction and sound level for wind turbines measured in the far field
Duncan Halstead
Effect of grid resolution on airfoil self-noise prediction by large eddy simulation
S. Mohammad Hasheminasab, S.M. Hossein Karimian, Sahar Noori, Saman Lak
Turbulence inflow noise prediction of wind turbine rotors: The physically correct Representations of the Simplified Amiet and Lowson Model
Cordula Hornung, Christoph Scheit, Nils Noffke, Mohammad Kamruzzaman
Calculation of wind turbine noise uncertainty for downwind conditions
Bill Kayser, Vivien Mallet, Benoit Gauvreau, David Ecotière
If they are not being made ill by infrasound, then what is it?
Geoff Leventhall
Amplitude modulation characteristics with distance and direction
Tom Levet
The effect of wind turbine noise on polysomnographically measured and subjective sleep onset latency in wind turbine noise naïve participants
Tessa Liebich, Leon Lack, Gorica Micic, Kristy Hansen, Branko Zajamsek, Nicole Lovato, Claire Dunbar, Bastien Lechat, Felix Decup, Peter Catcheside
Human subjective responses to wind turbine sound amplitude modulation: meta-analysis and synthesis of laboratory listening studies
Michael Lotinga, Toby Lewis
Changing states: A developer review of the evolution wind farm permissions under New York’s Article 10
Krispian Lowe, Isaac Old, Kenneth Kaliski
A review on the development of airfoils for wind turbine blades
Alexandre Martuscelli Faria, Joseph Youssif Saab Jr., Sara Rodriguez, João Paulo Sales Barreto, Marcos de Mattos Pimenta
Physics-based auralization of wind turbine noise
David Mascarenhas, Benjamin Cotté, Olivier Doaré
Comparison of tonality analysis methods for wind turbine receptor based long-term monitoring datasets
Allan Munro, Adam Suban-Loewen, Cooper Hatfield, Payam Ashtiani
Wind turbine sound quality rating
Isaac Old
Establishing sound limits for wind energy: What is the role of annoyance?
Christopher Ollson, Mark Bastasch, Jacbos, United States
Stymied by standards? Arguments for wind turbine noise standards that actually measure irritant drivers
William (Bill) Palmer
Assessment and rating of Wind turbine noise immission at dwellings – the influence of amplitude modulation, aerodynamic noise sources and the Doppler effect
Kai Pies, Sergio Martinez
Assessing Wind Turbine Noise Perception by means of contextual laboratory and online studies
Stephan Preihs, Jakob Bergner, Daphne Schössow, Jürgen Peissig
Decisions made to arrive at an implementation of ISO PAS 20065:2016 as the recommended tonality method for IEC/TS 61400-11-2, and a description of the current and developing implementation specifics to stimulate input and discussion
Tonality Expert Group to PT61400-11-2
The quasi-3D blade and rotor noise prediction methodology for the PNoise code and results
Sara Rodriguez, Joseph Youssif Saab Jr., Alexandre Martuscelli Faria, João Paulo Barreto, Marcos de Mattos Pimenta
On the need for improved prediction models and updated noise regulations to utilize the advanced controls strategies that are available modern for wind turbines
Bo Søndergaard
Tonality content analysed with both 1/3 octave band methods and narrowband methods and compared with listening test
Lars Sommer Søndergaard, Mark Bastasch
Long distance noise propagation measurements over water for an elevated sound source – investigating multiple reflections
Lars Sommer Søndergaard, Erik Thysell, Christian Weirum Claumarch, Andrea Vignaroli
Wind farm neighbourship investigated by a daily app questionnaire combining weather, noise and annoyance
Lars Sommer Søndergaard, Christer P. Volk, Tomas Rosenberg Hansen, Lars Enggaard, Thomas Sørensen, Alfredo Peña
Developing new airfoils for larger wind turbine blades
Joseph Saab, Marcos de Mattos Pimenta, Alexandre Martuscelli Faria, Sara Rodriguez
Numerical study of the impact of vortex generators on trailing edge noise
Ferdinand Seel, Thorsten Lutz, Ewald Krämer
Further experience of reviewing noise assessments for wind farms in Scotland and the implementation of the IOA Good Practice Guide to the application of ETSU-R-97 for the assessment and rating of wind turbine noise
Steve Summers, Graham Parry
Identifying the flap side-edge noise contribution of a wind turbine blade section with an active trailing-edge
Alexandre Suryadi, Christoph Jätz, Michaela Herr, Jörg Seume
A characterization of wind turbine noise and background noise levels distributions in far-field receptor testing of wind turbine facilities
Nicholas Tam, Dorsa Fardaei, Duncan Halstead
Audibility and health effects of infrasound
Frits van den Berg, Irene van Kamp
Health effects related to wind turbine sound: an update
Irene van Kamp, Frits van den Berg
Listening test design for adaption of ISO/PAS 20065 (2016) for wind farm noise assessment
Robin Woodward, Markus Buße, Sylvia Broneske