Wind farms gone wild: Is the environmental damage justified?
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Wild Land News: Magazine of the Scottish Wild Land Group
Issue 83, June 2013
Is wind power a threat to our climate change policy?, by John Constable
On windfarms, and the preservation of place, by Sharon Blackie
Where eagles dare – the wind farms gamble, by Clive Hambler
The aesthetic objection to wind farms, by Christine Lovelock
The wind power question, by Iain A MacLeod
The Shetland Viking wind farm, by Frank Hay
The threat to rural Scotland from wind turbines, by Jack Ponton
Are Public Local Inquiries fair, democratic and delivering the right result?, by Helen McDade
The Aarhus Convention – one man’s journey, by Pat Swords
Observations of an Aarhus hearing, by Christine Metcalfe
Chickens coming home to roost, by Ken Brown
Wind energy developments – impacts on Scotland’s landscapes, by John Mayhew
Scottish planning policy is failing our national heritage, by Fraser Wallace
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