November 14, 2011
Aesthetics, Environment, Maine, Petitions

Tell Maine DEP: Stop Oakfield Wind!


First Wind of Boston is seeking to drastically change the size and scope of the proposed Oakfield Wind Project.

First Wind (Evergreen Wind Power II, LLC) is seeking to build 50 wind turbines, almost double the original number proposed in their original application. The new turbines will stand at 459 feet tall – the equivalent height of a 45 story building. The proposed modification amounts to an enormous change; and the differences in the impacts of noise and vibration between the first turbines and their replacements are not comparable. The potential noise and health impacts alone warrant a public hearing and closer scrutiny.

In addition, the visual impact on the industrial wind farm cannot be mitigated and will forever change the wild character of the region surrounding Pleasant and Mattawamkeag Lakes. At least 20 turbines will be visible from Pleasant Lake, and over 33 wind turbines will be visible from Mattawamkeag Lake. More than half of the Town of Island Falls property owners are seasonal residents who come to enjoy the scenic and wild landscape. Many will be negatively affected by the impact of an industrial wind project in the midst this beautiful landscape.

Maine citizens who participated in the original Oakfield procedure dealt with data which were completely different than those in the original permitted application. First Wind seems to assume that such drastic alterations should slip by unchallenged.

Stop The Oakfield Wind Project

I’m writing to express my deep concern over Evergreen Wind Power II, LLC (Evergreen II) amendment application for the Oakfield Wind Project (DEP#L-24572-24-A-N/L-24572-TF-B-N). The application by Evergreen II for the Revised Oakfield Wind Project constitutes a drastic alteration to the original Oakfield Wind Project which was approved via DEP’s comprehensive and meticulous application process. Maine citizens who participated in the original Oakfield procedure dealt with data which was completely different than that in the amendment applications.

Unless Evergreen II intends to build the Oakfield project as permitted, their amendment application constitutes a whole new industrial wind development, including the original Oakfield project previously permitted. The DEP should reject this application and require Evergreen II to start the permitting process from the beginning.

The petition is now closed. [1]

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