Lowell Mountains Open House
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You Are Invited!
To attend an Open House to view Green Mountain Power’s crane path construction site on the Lowell Mountains.
Meet in front of the Craftsbury Public Library at 11:30 am Sunday November 13. [Click here for map.] We will carpool to the base of the mountain and hike up.
Details: Wear bright colors (it’s hunting season), hiking shoes or rubber boots; (the trail is muddy and steep). Bring warm layers, raingear, a wool or pile hat, daypack with water, lunch, snacks. The hike takes 30 minutes to an hour. We will go rain or shine.
What you can expect at the site: There has been construction on the weekends, so it may be loud, but Green Mountain Power does not blast on weekends. We do not anticipate that there will be police present and we will not be breaking any laws by being there. There are tarps and a fireplace with a wood supply; also some tents. Bring a mug and have tea or cocoa with your lunch.
The Schedule:
- 11:45 at the base: short informational overview of project.
- Noon: we’ll start hiking up in small groups based on walking speed.
- 12:30-1:30: Hiking groups arrive in camp; each group as it arrives will receive a short orientation to the site, and people can walk around, eat, and visit. When everyone has arrived there will be time for Q & A. Helpers will be available to guide folks back down at half-hour intervals, so you can leave when you are ready. You can spend as little as fifteen minutes at the top or as much as several hours.
Bring your friends!
Questions? Contact Anne Morse at or 802-281-4432.