“Bloodstained Wind Turbines” – invitation to artists
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“Bloodstained Wind Turbines” – Not a contest, but rather an invitation sent out to artists and illustrators
«We have seen far too many images of white wind turbines on a backdrop of blue skies and green pastures, with smiling babies and animals at pasture. Is this what we want to continue to believe?»
Mimmo Calmo
a) The non-contest, “Bloodstained Wind Turbines”
1. To encourage a critical and creative stance to be taken in favour of the movement against the large industrial wind farms that are disfiguring our countryside, ruining our environment, and placing our very health at risk, and not only in our country, the Edizioni Montaonda publishing house (Tuscany, Italy) is announcing an open invitation to all artists and graphic designers (without restrictions on nationality), amateurs included. The aim is to compile selected images that are to illustrate a book on the wind turbine industry, to be published, printed and sold by said publishing house, this autumn 2011.
2. The artwork (cf. below, paragraph 2, comma 3) must be received by and not any later than August 31, 2011.
3.The twelve illustrations that are selected will be printed in the book and will be compensated, not with a prize (insofar as the nature of the event is not a contest) but with a contract for publication, consisting in an advance of €130 each (to this sum, the royalties of each sale, regardless of the form the publication may take (book, magazine, internet, etc.), will be added upon signature of the author-editor contract). The editor reserves the right to eventually publish, in a separate section of the book, other particularly valid illustrations (these artists will also receive royalties from book sales but will not receive an advance).
The book will be sold using the usual channels that the publishing house has at its disposal. Furthermore, the editor anticipates creating an e-book and an English version of the book.
4. In launching this initiative, the editor invites associations and subjects of any and all kinds to back the initiative and to give their sponsorship (more specifically, this request is not to be understood as a request for financial support but a request that those giving their support publicise and communicate their support of the initiative and also send a copy of their logo to the editor).
b) Title and object of the invitation
1.The artwork is to be inspired, with no other prerequisite than the title, by the unpublished written work by Mimmo Calmo, L’incubo delle pale insanguinate/The nightmare of bloodstained wind turbines, which will constitute the central part of the book and which will be supplied by the publishing house to all those who are interested and who request a copy N.B. The written piece is 7 folders long.
To receive the materials (via internet only) please write to:
2.Calmo’s piece will be accompanied by several informative documents (provided together with the text, and which will not necessarily be published in the book): the documents will contain enough information to communicate to the participant which are the primary impacts of industrial wind farms on man and animal.
3.The artwork must consist in one single image, for which the original may be produced using whatever material or in whatever format desired so long as it is created in respect of its subsequent publication in book format, with characteristics that are suited to a black, white and red reproduction. Each work must be sent exclusively in electronic format, in high definition (HD, scanning at 300dpi); no artwork sent through the postal service will be accepted. The artwork will remain the personal property of the artist, with the exception that the rights to publication will be granted to Edizioni Montaonda. The act of sending the artwork to Edizioni Montaonda will be considered, to all effects, as giving full consent to the rules and regulations of the publication of the artwork according to the conditions indicated above.
c) other
The proceeds that the editor receives from the sale of the book, if and once the expenses of the contest, the publishing, and administrative costs have been covered, will be donated to the fight against industrial wind farms in Italy (CNP).
The selection will be made by a group of experts, the function of which will be that of a jury, and of which the editor will make public in due time; the group will be made up of graphic designers, journalists and representatives of the movement against industrial wind power.
Once the selection has been made, an event will be organised to give importance to the initiative, on a date and location to yet be established, but that will coincide with the presentation of the book to the general public and to the press.
To sign up and receive the texts relative to the contest, and for any additional information:
For more information on the fight against industrial wind farms, the following websites are suggested:,
Montaonda, July 12, 2011
Luca Vitali
Edizioni Montaonda
Via Montaonda 133,
50060 San Godenzo, Firenze