Industrial Wind Developers Trump Our Natural Environment
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Please read the following release and respond to the Environmental Bill of Rights (Ontario).
Send comments to the Ministry of Natural Resources stating your concerns before June 15.
To read the entire EBR Posting, go here.
Send comments and concerns to:
You may also review the Draft ESA 2007 for more information.
Thank you for your attention to this important environmental issue.
Picton, ON/May 12, 2011 – The Ministry of Natural Resources (ON) has posted an application under the Endangered Species Act 2007 for a permit to kill endangered wildlife. Such a permit would enable Gilead Power Corporation’s request for approval to construct 5.4 kilometres of roads up to 15 metres wide in a pristine, provincial wildlife area, along an environmentally protected shoreline on Lake Ontario’s most important migratory bird path in Prince Edward County. If this is permitted, the construction and operation of 9 × 2.5MW industrial wind turbines is planned.
The roads would be one metre deep and dug into the solid limestone shelf which is one of North America’s three rare alvars and breeding ground to thousands of birds as well as endangered species and species at risk.
The unique role that the south shore of Prince Edward County plays in the support of ever declining migratory bird populations will be permanently altered.
Ostrander Point is a globally recognized Important Bird Area (IBA). IBAs have been identified by World Wildlife Fund, The Audubon Society, Nature Canada, American Bird Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department along with Bird Studies International as “NO GO” zones for industrial wind turbines because of their threat to fragile ecosystems.
Does Linda Jeffrey, Minister of Natural Resources see it differently?
Ministry: Ministry of Natural Resources
EBR Registry Number: 011-3181Permit under section 17 of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) to allow Gilead Power Corporation to kill, harm and harass Blanding’s Turtle and Whip-poor-will as well as damage and destroy the habitat of Whip-poor-will for the purpose of the development and operation of Ostrander Point Wind Energy Park in the Township of South Marysburgh, Prince Edward County.
This cannot be allowed to happen.
Recently residents of Prince Edward County held a rally to protest the siting of industrial wind turbines in this location noting that Ostrander Point is the worst place in Ontario to locate industrial wind turbines.