June 6, 2010
Action alerts, Health, Nova Scotia

Update on Nova Scotia Moratorium Request and a Call to Action

Eco Awareness Society

June 4, 2010

Dear Friends,

I am writing to enlist your help. On April 7th, 2010 the Eco Awareness Society along with other groups and individuals sent a request for a province wide moratorium on industrial wind power projects in Nova Scotia and a request for a comprehensive noise and health study.

Along with this request was sent Dr. Nina Pierpont’s book as well as over 140 documents that substantiate and explain adverse human impacts with regard to industrial wind power plants.

On May 24th, 2010 we received a response from Maureen MacDonald, Minister of Health Promotion and Protection. Her response was evasive and did not address the noise and health study issue. Once again, a government official is casually dismissing the concerns of residents forced to live near industrial wind power facilities.

Ms. MacDonald’s response along with our reply to her follow:


(click image to see larger scan of Health Minister's letter)

Click here for our response. [2]

If, in reading Ms. MacDonald’s response, you are as outraged as we are, please write or email the minister and the Department of Health Promotion and Protection:

The Honourable Maureen MacDonald
Department of Health Promotion and Protection
P.O. Box 487
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2R7
hppmin@gov.ns.ca [3]

Ms. MacDonald’s Constituency Office:
The Honourable Maureen MacDonald
3115 Veith Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 3G9
mmacdonald@navnet.net [4]

You do not need to be a resident of Nova Scotia. We are asking all who are fighting to be heard by their own governments to lend their voices and show politicians that we fight in solidarity and that we will not go away.

Thank you in advance.

URL to article:  https://www.wind-watch.org/alerts/2010/06/06/update-on-nova-scotia-moratorium-request-and-a-call-to-action/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.wind-watch.org/alerts/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Health-Minister-response.jpg

[2] Click here for our response.: http://www.wind-watch.org/alerts/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Response-to-Health-Minister-A.doc

[3] hppmin@gov.ns.ca: mailto:hppmin@gov.ns.ca

[4] mmacdonald@navnet.net: mailto:mmacdonald@navnet.net