Translations of “Wind Turbine Syndrome”
Translate: FROM English | TO English
Translate: FROM English | TO English
K-Selected Books is pleased to offer an abridged (shortened) version of Nina Pierpont’s “Wind Turbine Syndrome” book in various non-English languages.
You are welcome to download these translations, print them off, circulate them at will, hand them out, and post them on whatever websites you choose. They are a gift.
What you will be reading is basically Chapter 4 (“Report for Non-Clinicians”) of the full-length English-language book, with several new pages added. Thus making “Wind Turbine Syndrome: Abridged” a complete book in its own right.
We sought out native speakers with creditable translating credentials. These people agreed to translate the book free of charge – as a gift to their compatriots. (The one exception being the Italian translation, where we paid a professional translator.)
Nina has asked that you consider making a donation to these public-spirited individuals, to show your appreciation (it took them months). Whatever money you donate goes to the translator, not K-Selected Books or Nina Pierpont.
(If you are interested in doing a translation, contact Calvin Luther Martin at
Click here to go to the download page at K-Selected Books.
Syndrom větrných elektráren (Jana Fořtová)
Wind Turbine Syndrome (Deutsch; Gail und Walter Mair)
Tuulegeneraatori sündroom (Hans Kuusiku)
Le Syndrome Eolien
Sindrome da turbina eolica
ウインド・タービン・シンドローム (鶴田由紀)
Syndrom Turbin Wiatrowych
Rüzgâr Türbini Sendromu (Serhat Elfun Demirkol)