Wind Turbine Noise 2011
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Translate: FROM English | TO English
National Research Council of Italy, Rome
12-14 April 2011
Wind Turbine Noise 2005, the first in this series of international conferences, took place in Berlin in 2005. The second WTN conference took place in Lyon, France in 2007 and the third in Aalborg, Denmark in 2009 with more than 160 delegates from 25 countries, representing manufacturers, developers, researchers in noise and vibration, environmentalists, pressure groups and consultants.
The fourth conference in the series will once again provide a venue for all those with an interest in wind turbine noise, and its effects on people, to meet together and also meet with those who design wind turbine installations, both in industry and in the planning process. This conference is organised by INCE/Europe in co-operation with CNR-Istituto di Acustica, the Acoustical Society of Italy and the Italian Solar Energy Society.
Offers of papers for this conference are invited and prospective authors should submit an abstract by 1 November 2010 to There is a template for this on the website where it is also possible to sign-up to receive further information as the organisation progresses.
Likely Topics
* Sources of noise in wind turbines and dependence on atmospheric conditions
* Wind turbine noise modelling
* Microturbines including machines for urban projects
* Interactions of wind turbines in wind farms
* Design for low noise
* Propagation of wind turbine noise over land and water
* Wind turbines offshore
* Vibration from wind turbines
* Standards and regulations
* Effects of wind turbine noise on individuals and collective behaviour
* Planning requirements and decision-making
* Acoustic monitoring and surveillance
* Condition Monitoring
* Future prospects
And any other topic related to wind turbine noise and vibration, their generation, propagation and effects.
There is also an introductory course on noise on the afternoon prior to the conference which has proven very popular in previous years.
The conference language is English but the possibility of simultaneous translation into Italian is under consideration and will depend upon likely demand.
CD-Roms of the Proceedings of the previous conferences are available from the INCE/Europe office.
Further information from:
Cathy Mackenzie
Conference Secretary, INCE/Europe
Riverside House, 4 Oakland Vale, New Brighton, Merseyside CH45 1LQ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)151 638 0281 Fax:+44 (0)151 639 5212