Another ad in Calumet County, Wisc.
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It’s too late for them!
Will Calumet County avoid Johnsburg’s fate?
It was only by chance that Bill and Mike Winkler, who grew up on the family farm in northeast Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, learned about plans for wind turbines in the area. They saw a small ad about an informational meeting in a local newspaper. Then they learned that landowners were already signing agreements – before the meeting was even held.
As Bill and Mike attended meetings and did their own research, they became very concerned about the future. But when they and a few other residents tried to ask questions about what they heard might be 88 turbines installed, they felt shut out. Others didn’t say anything, perhaps afraid to make waves. Some jumped at any chance to make money. The atmosphere in what had been a close-knit community became strained. “Now it’s neighbor against neighbor. I used to be proud to live here,” said Mike. He got so uncomfortable that he moved and wrote a book detailing their experiences.
Bill still lives on Maple Road, across from the old family farm. But it has become an other-worldly landscape, transformed by monstrous towers with huge blades ready to slice the sky. The 400-foot machines surround his home. One seems to loom over him. It is supposed to be 1000 feet from his house. But he and his brother can’t check. The area is secured and heavily patrolled and they don’t want to be cited for trespassing.
The huge industrial turbines will be set into motion this month. Bill is left to wonder and to worry. What will be the impact of sound and shadows? What will it be like when spring and summer arrive, with windows open to fresh air and people spending more time outside? Bill has already heard regrets from some, talking though they are forbidden to by the gag order.
But what has already happened in Johnsburg can’t be undone. Now that the utility company owns the 88 turbines and has the power of eminent domain (the right to condemn your land), how many more turbines will be implanted here? Bill has already received a letter detailing expansion of the project to another 40 turbines.
How will the documented health and safety problems that can occur with industrial wind turbines affect those living there?
What other consequences will they suffer because some put money ahead of a neighbor’s plight? How much more taxpayer money will be wasted to fund an inefficient energy source during these tight economic times?
What residents in other areas will soon find that they, too, are in the path of an ill-conceived rush to this one renewable?
Learn. See for yourself. Visit Johnsburg.
Then contact your county supervisors.
Ask them to support the Ad Hoc Committee’s recommendations and a one-year moratorium to study Johnsburg.
Protect the health and safety of our residents.
CCC4RE: Calumet County Citizens for Responsible Energy
920-418-1888 / P.O. BOX 1 / CHILTON, WI 53014
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